Guernsey V Hull Select- Report (April 19th 2024)

Good evening all. This was the last show of the season and unfortunately, the number of guests were down, but this doesn’t take anything away from the quality of the bouts that night. The evening started with two skills bouts, Dexter Loveridge v Jake Preece and...

Guernsey V Wales Select- Report (March 15th 2024)

The number of guests were well down for some reason but those that were there were treated to an evening of exceptional boxing. The evening started with a couple of skills bouts where the youngsters put on a good display of enthusiastic boxing skills, which everyone...

Guernsey Dinner Boxing Report – Friday 24th 2023

The Guernsey Boxers excelled once again against a strong Hull Select side. The evening started with three excellent hard-fought skills bouts with the youngsters putting on a good show and doing themselves proud. Jacob Jones boxed well to earn a unanimous win in only...

Guernsey Dinner Boxing Report – February Show

Good afternoon all What a fantastic show we had, superb boxing and an incredible atmosphere in the room with Guernsey winning 5-2 overall.  All the bouts went the distance with some of the decisions could have gone either way. After a couple of well fought skills...